∴ The Word On The Street Festival

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Yesterday, I took part in The Word On The Street Toronto Festival. I read from Maya at the TD Children’s Literature Stage. I’ve attended the festival every year since I moved to Toronto in 2011, and it never occurred to me I might take part as an author, let alone as a children’s book author! It was so thrilling. The weather was good to us too, important because WOTS is mostly an outdoor festival. It was a beautiful fall day. Clear, cloudless, with the sun bright and warm while a cool breeze blew in from the lake. This was the second year the festival took place at Harbourfront Centre (it used to be, for a long time, at Queens Park). It was impressively organized, with booths cozied together like in a bazaar but not overcrowded. And the number of events and readings and activities happening! It was dizzy-making and so exciting. WOTS is among the reasons I love Toronto so much. The festival is entirely free. It’s diverse, accessible, family-friendly and community-friendly. I am looking forward to the 2017 edition!  

∴ Reading for NUTMEG

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Last week, I had the privilege of reading from Maya for the children who participate in NUTMEG. NUTMEG is a community organization based in Toronto. Its “mission is to provide free, fun and safe soccer training and educational sessions for underserved children and youth in Toronto by connecting everything to our values of friendship, fun, respect, equity, education and teamwork.” They asked me to participate in one of their educational sessions, and after reading from Maya, I talked about the process of writing and publishing a book. It was such a pleasure to meet the kids and watch them do their scrimmage, too. I used to play soccer when I was younger, and I missed my cleats, watching them run around! Visit NUTMEG’s website. More photos on NUTMEG’s Facebook page.

∴ Selected for The Journey Prize Stories 28

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Today, it was announced that a short story of mine, “The Origin of Jaanvi”, is longlisted for the 2016 Writers’ Trust / McClelland & Stewart Journey Prize and is going to be included in this year’s Journey Prize anthology! The Journey Prize is awarded annually to a “new and developing writer of distinction for a short story published in a Canadian literary magazine.” I am grateful, especially to Kathryn Mockler, the editor at Joyland Magazine who originally selected the story for publication and then nominated it for the anthology, and the team behind the anthology, helmed by editor Anita Chong at McClelland & Stewart. And, of course, the work done by this year’s jury: Madeleine Thien, Brian Francis, and Kate Cayley.

∴ Maya Among Best Picture Books of 2016

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Check out this fantastic news. In an article over at School Library Journal, Elizabeth Bird included Maya in her list of Best Picture Books of 2016! The list is so fun to look through. Bird is a varied reader, and the picture books she’s selected span many genres and styles. Of course, I am delighted. Especially because of what Bird had to say about the book: Empowering. Beautiful. Dreamlike.  And I got to have a long conversation with my daughter about banyan trees, thanks to the storyline. I love that the book prompted a moment between mother and daughter that led to a conversation bigger than what was on the page. Stories are about connection, and it’s so good to be a part of that process.